Point-of-Care testing allows patient diagnoses in the physician’s office, in other ambulatory setting or at bedside. The results of care are timely, and allow rapid treatment to the patient. (from NIH Fact Sheet Point-of-Care Diagnostic Testing, 2010.)(MeSH 2016)
Le test au point de soins permet le diagnostic au cabinet du médecin, en ambulatoire ou au chevet du patient. Les résultats du test sont immédiats, et permettent un traitement rapide du patient. (trad libre de l'original: NIH Fact Sheet Point-of-Care Diagnostic Testing, 2010.)(MeSH 2016)
Q-Code conceptual content
NEAR PATIENT TESTING (NPT) simple laboratory examinations e.g. special sticks used to perform analysis of urine or blood sugar, which can be easily carried out by the physician in the consulting room or even by the patient's bedside on a home visit.(Woncadic) ;
Point-of-care testing (POCT), or bedside testing is defined as medical diagnostic testing at or near the point of care—that is, at the time and place of patient care (Wikipedia)