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Family medicine ; is the medical specialty which provides continuing, comprehensive health care for the individual and family. It is a specialty in breadth that integrates the biological, clinical and behavioral sciences. The scope of family medicine encompasses all ages, both sexes, each organ system and every disease entity (AAFP)
Family-centered care: The extent to which the clinician considers the family (in all its expressions) and understands its infl uence on a person’s health and engages it as a partner in ongoing health care (APHC2004)
General practice ; The approach of general practice must be constant from birth (and sometimes before) until death (and sometimes afterwards). It ensures the continuity of care by following patients through the whole of their life. The medical file is the explicit proof of this constancy. It is the objective memory of the consultations, but only part of the common doctor-patient history. Family doctors will provide care over substantial periods of their patients' lives, through many episodes of illness. They are also responsible for ensuring that healthcare is provided throughout the 24 hours, commissioning and coordinating such care when they are unable to provide it personally. (Euract)
JOB DESCRIPTION OF A GP/FP ; "The GP/FP is a licensed medical graduate who gives personal, primary, and continuing care to individuals, families, and a practice population, irrespective of age, sex and illness. It is the synthesis of these functions which is unique. He will attend his patients in his consulting room and at their homes and sometimes in a clinic or a hospital. His aim is to make early diagnoses. He will include and integrate physical, psychological, and social factors in his considerations about health and illness. This will be expressed in the care of his patients. He will make an initial decision about every problem which is presented to him as a physician. He will undertake continuing management of his patients with chronic, recurrent, or terminal illnesses. Prolonged contact means that he can use repeated opportunities to gather information at a pace appropriate to each patient and build up a relationship of trust which he can use professionally. He will practice in co-operation with other colleagues, medical, and non-medical. He will know how and when to intervene through treatment, prevention and education to promote the health of his patients and their families. He will recognize that he also has a professional responsibility to the community"(Woncadic)
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